BMJ report: Covaxin study retracted after manufacturer sues for defamation
My latest piece for The BMJ

Earlier this week, I reported on Substack that the manufacturer of Covaxin sued researchers for defamation and demanded the retraction of their post-marketing safety study which found one third of its participants reported an adverse event following vaccination.
Public support for the researchers was overwhelming. Over 600 scientists, researchers, ethicists, doctors and patients signed an open letter to support the study authors and defend academic freedom.
Two days later, however, the study was officially retracted - see my BMJ article.
Interestingly in this case, the entire article was also removed from the journal’s website. Normally in academic publishing, retracted articles are not removed from the published literature, but marked as ‘retracted.’
The retraction notice stated the journal editor and the publisher (Springer), decided the study “should be removed on public health grounds.”
But the journal did not demonstrate how the study contributed to a public health risk, nor did it respond to media inquiries.
Given the journal editor was also sued for defamation by the vaccine manufacturer, there is speculation that the journal removed the full study for legal reasons.
None of the study authors agreed with the retraction, nor were their reasons for disagreement, made public by the journal.
This action is yet another sign of mounting momentum for tyranny, with big Pharma, big Banks, big Investors, and Governments working together to suppress truth and freedom. We are edging closer to an Orwellian totalitarian rule inch by inch every day.
I’d love to know why they retracted their own paper. What kind of pressure were they under? I wonder what would have happened if the researchers said no problem, sue us. Or would it have cost them money they didn’t have? Where pharma pretty much has a bottomless pit of money.