I am very sorry to hear about the negative reaction from some of your readers.

I can only assume that their comments say more about their own state of mind than the quality of your research and presentations. This is really no different to the reaction of the ABC to your exposé on statins.

To quote a favorite book of mine, "The House of God", "The patient is the one with the disease".

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You can probably safely ignore all those with TDS. There's no helping them.

To further underline the disconnect legacy media have with the new world, Kim Williams comes out and disses Rogan. SMH.

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Kim's comments were so out of touch with the current media landscape....where has he been hiding?!

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Juggling with Murdoch

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Wasn’t that just astounding ?

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mind boggling...

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The ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) which is headed by the aforementioned Kim Williams, is completely detached from the modern zeitgeist where the multiplicity of news sources and analysis gives the ordinary person in the street the ability to easily detect the real facts and not just depend on what the lumpen legacy media push as the "narrative du jour".

They really have lost the plot ! Multiple losses in defamation court, they then "investigate themselves", conducted by a former ABC "Head of Editorial Policy" (being thrown a bone in the retirement home, I suppose) and find they did nothing wrong ! Amazing....

Some research into this former ABC "Head of Editorial Policy" reveals that they have (self)published a "journalistic manual" about the 10 rules of Journalism. What a JOKE ! It is most likely that this tome of tripe was auto-generated by a new service labelled SHATgpt. This is all part of a new field of computing titled Artificial Stupidity. The initials "AS" are entirely appropriate and a lasting legacy to its most prolific user. If you REALLY want to have a good laugh though, listen to the audiobook version of this pulp press production and be amazed as the author 'lithps' their way throughout the inane nonsense spouted. I'm sure many multiple microphone covers were changed out to cope with the gallons of drool and spit-flek that would have come flying out of this rabid currs muckhole of a mouth as they performed their "Cindy Brady" impersonation phoentically parroting the crayon scrawled scripts containing the contents of this moronic manual. Spare a thought for the audio engineers!

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Yes, I had plenty of interaction with this “head of Ed Pol”….. total clown world! 🤡

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I imagine such interactions would be one instance where the wearing of face masks would definitely make sense ! You would need all the protection you could get as this vile dolt let fly from his mishappen mouth with a torrent of halitosis tinged twittery. In fact, having unfortunately gazed upon the repulsiveness of his hideous face when performing a search engine query (which matches the repulsiveness of his journalistic philosophy), I would suggest the wearing of a welders mask to protect you from "The Medusa Effect".

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Keep writing your carefully considered views without fear or favour for while you may have detractors in the short term the truth will triumph in the end.

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Thanks Will

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Keep up your excellent journalism, Maryanne.

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I am sorry that you were so roundly abused. It is so unnecessary and immoral. It says more about their closed minds and poor spirit. You are always eminently sensible and perceptive.

How much are these people paid if Maddow is taking a $5 million cut? Too much.

Hardly anyone gives the legacy media credence. I haven’t watched or listened for years. You only spoke the truth. That is all any of us can do.

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Yes, that's exactly what I thought when I saw Maddow took a $5 million pay cut....her pervious contract was $30 million and now its only $25 million....oh puuuulease....cry me a river!

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Maddow was paid $30M/year to do one show a week only. So her cut takes her down to $25M. Still WAYYYY too much. SMH

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I think it was the total per contract signed....so it might be over 3 or 5 years??? Not sure, but still, WAYYYY to much for just sitting there telling political lies!

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I just subscribed as a counter protest! Keep up the great work.

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Yay! thank you Joe

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me too.

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Love it 😊 thank you

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Me three!

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Hi Maryanne you can hold your head high as you spoke the truth . A lot of people have bought into the lies and propaganda used as a political witch hunt against Trump . And as a result of Trumps election we now have RFK heading up the HHS in the US! And Elon looking after govt spending . I’m excited about that and I’m Australian ! Hoping it will ripple through to us ???. I have become a paid member now as a result of your truth telling . Hopefully more will do the same and keep up the great work !!! Sometimes you need to lose some and then attract those that appreciate your work more ?

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Thanks so much Kathy....great to have you on board....exciting times !!

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Maryanne, please stand tall. You have done nothing but good in our world.

Cognitive dissonance can bring about fury in some.

Your intention to examine and dissect the myriad reasons for his win is something I hope all Democratic supporters and party insiders will do. Otherwise, Trump is likely to win again, and the wave of anti-wokeism will sweep like-minded leaders in to power in other democracies like Australia (election in May 2025), the UK (Reform (Nigel Farage) predicted to win next time) and Canada (Pierre Poilievre a likely winner next time).

The legacy media is dying and, like humans, it will fight to the death to survive.

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.. you are doing a great job..

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Appreciate you, thanks Kristina

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I’m very sorry to hear about the negative comment when you are so absolutely 100% correct. I was equally sorry the way you were treated by the ABC for your brilliant series on The Heart ofThe Matter about saturated fat, statins and the myth of cholesterol. We need people like you Maryanne. The world made it and Australia needs it.

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Big hugs, thanks Sarah.

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Maryanne, my heart feels for what you’re feeling. I am actually surprised at how your subscribers reacted to you. I’m trying to stay away from hearing anything about trump. I stressed so much when he won in 2016. I cried the morning of the win. He always has Canada on his radar to do damage which he did last time. I’ve had enough stress since then with covid and shot injury. I read on X that Mika and Joe were told by Comcast to go and make nice with trump. I didn’t believe it but my favourite journalist confirmed it. Everything just seems so crazy right now. The states are so divided and it seems to be creeping up here. I read on X a guy begging trump to take us over. Maryanne, you are a good person and what you said is absolutely right. I used to watch Maddow, Joe and Mika but I stopped because they weren’t being honest about the shots and very critical about doctors etc who dared to speak against the narrative with a very condescending tone. People, including myself turned to social media where the truth could be found. I pick the people I want to follow because I trust them. I trust you so much. I’m sorry this has happened to you. It will pass.

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That's so lovely, thanks Vivien....I love that you're part of this community....appreciate your comments every week.

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Thanks, Maryanne. Always balanced. Always appreciated

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Thanks Ron....

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Thank you for your courage and faithfulness. I just renewed my subscription.

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So appreciative...thank you !

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I just subscribed and went to look at your comment to make sure I agreed with it. I do. I’m not sure you want those who unsubscribed.

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Thanks Carter...I don't really mind having people who disagree with me as subscribers...they keep me on my toes..haha.

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Dear Maryanne, please go on with stating your opinion as you do. I’m Dutch, American gf, been in the US dozens of times, have family there and we see exactly what you said. People are finally seeing through the lies the news media throw over us. Same here in Europe as most of the media are owned by a couple of people/companies.

They decide what we see/hear. More and more people wake up and this helped Trump tremendously. If you loose Dem. Subscriptions, so be it. I’m just glad you do what you do, keep writing it down.

By the way, Aus. is fantastic too, been several times downunder.

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Yes, aside from what happened during the pandemic, Australia is still a great place to live - we just have to keep fighting censorship !

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That I must totally agree and the worst TGA RESTRICTED REPRESENTATIONS forerunner of any misinfo disinfo bill

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Dear Dr. Demasi, Thank you for all your excellent endevours for true science. If I may express a wish it is for avoiding abbreviations like TDS, SMH, ABC and XYZ. I am sure there is a group of non english speakers like me who find it difficult to comprehend all what is said. Thank you

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Ah, yes, my Danish colleague Peter Gotzsche catches me on it too sometimes....I will keep a note. Thanks Philipp

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Also...more emojis !

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