During your pregnancy, you should avoid:

- Raw meat and shellfish: Uncooked seafood (we’re looking at you, sushi), including oysters, mussels, and clams. Also avoid rare or undercooked beef and poultry. These can be contaminated with toxoplasmosis or salmonella.

- Deli meat: Deli meats can be contaminated with listeria, bacteria that can cross the placenta and infect your developing baby. An infection in utero could lead to blood poisoning and could be life-threatening for your baby.

- Fish with high levels of mercury: That includes fish such as shark, king mackerel, swordfish, and tilefish. Wondering about tuna? In general, canned, chunk light tuna has lower levels of mercury, but it’s still smart to eat it sparingly.

- Smoked seafood: Avoid lox, kippered fish, jerky, or nova style salmon. There’s a risk that this refrigerated, smoked seafood could be contaminated with listeria. Smoked seafood that’s shelf-safe or canned, however, is probably fine.

- Raw eggs: This includes foods that contain raw eggs, so be wary of homemade Caesar dressings, Hollandaise sauces, mayonnaise, and certain custards. Raw eggs can pose a risk of salmonella.

- Soft cheeses: Some imported soft cheeses can have listeria, so steer clear of soft cheeses like Roquefort, feta, Gorgonzola, Camembert, and Brie. Mexican cheeses such as queso blanco and queso fresco should also be avoided, unless they’re made from pasteurized milk.

- Unpasteurized dairy: These products could contain listeria.

- Wet paint

- Cigarette smoke

- Alcohol

- Cat litter

Experimental gene therapies that temporarily turn you into a walking bag of monoclonal antibodies? Nothing to see here.

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Also caffeinated products & chocolate, which has a caffeine-like substance. These can cause vasoconstriction of the placental vessels, decreasing oxygen delivery to the fetus. Theoretical but for the ultra cautious type, it doesn’t hurt to refrain from caffeine for a while.

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Excellent advice.

Now please get your booster, it will protect you and your baby.

I have no words to describe the evil that has been done.

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This article reminds me of Aaron Siri's deposition of Stanley Plotkin in a legal case back in 2018. When Siri brought up the issue of safety & the IOM reports & talked about "absence of evidence" of safety & the conclusions in those reports, Plotkin simply dismissed them & said that in the absence of data the assumption is that it is safe to give.......because everyone knows vaccines have saved millions of lives.

That's the kind of logic we have been up against for a very long time.

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It might be helpful to find a name for mRNA vaccines other than 'vaccine.' I say this because these mRNA-containing products have a completely different mechanism than the vaccines we already know and have received. That would make it harder to argue 'vaccines have saved millions of lives' since these mRNA products are not vaccines. But what to call them?

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Agree. It's a genetic treatment that forces the expression of a desired protein. In my opinion, it's a corollary to what corporations have been doing to genetic modified crops in order to forcibly express a trait that makes the crop resistant to chemical poison application.

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the health coach at my doctors office told me over a year ago that the vaccines were messing with women's hormones and they were not recommending them. at that point in their small boutique practice, they had seen two odd miscarriages and one 69 year old women who started menstrual bleeding.

i had never considered taking the shot and was only asking for my BF who was having doubts about his own hesitancy. if nothing else, the authoritarian and fanatical behavior of public health officials should alone be enough warning to anyone that something is very wrong here

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Well done Maryanne, this needed saying.

I'd point out to the detractors

(i) Kevin does a great analysis of the LEVELS of modRNA in the breast milk and how they essentially amount to ONE ADULT DOSE to a neonate.


(ii) The LNP traverses the neonatal gut (because that's what lipids do, duh) and takes the mRNA with it. Those people who think that this is naked mRNA are either deluded or intentionally disingenuous (there are many of them). Ergo, this is delivering a SYSTEMIC dose of LNP-mRNA to the neonate.


But, the mothers knew that when they consented, right?

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Thanks for the links, appreciate it.

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SO glad my daughter said "until I'm done breastfeeding, I'm not going to take it .... so SAD that she decided to take it at all ... of the 8 people in my family, I am the ONLY one left unjabbed....

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Another good read. Thank you for continuing to point out all that was wrong with the COVID policies.

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This is very clear writing about a critically important topic. It doesn't leave us with any doubt about the fact that the CDC said these mRNA jabs were safe for pregnant and/or lactating women even though it lacked a supporting study or data. That's just really terrible. Tens of millions of women got the jab based on these assurances. Looks like Rochelle Walensky has destroyed the whatever was left of the CDC's credibility. Thank you for writing this.

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Thank you

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The Elephant in the Room is Undeniable.

British MP today “even a casual glance at the data shows that there’s a VERY STRONG CORRELATION between excess DEATHS & the level of vaccine uptake.Surely we must have an investigation? These are 10s of thousands of PEOPLE who are DYING"


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Forcing and causing people to take experimental drugs they don’t want and don’t need under penalty of economic loss or punishment is a violation of the Nuremberg code and should be prosecuted as a crime against humanity

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The largest #MengeleExperiment in the history of #Faucism still continues unabated. #MedicalTyranny, fueled by irrational fear, sparked one of mankind's most violent pogroms under the shibboleths #HerdImmunity and #Vaccine. It was not a #Vaccine and #HerdImmunity is a myth without #NaturalImmunity. The unintended consequences will haunt mankind for decades.

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Forever, messing with genetics never goes away.

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Thank you. I've heard anecdotal stories for over a year and this will help bluegilled friends

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Auto correct... may as well be bluegilled, mouthbreathers

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The photo of Walensky - such a look - might be a harbinger of the way she will look when pleading for her life when finally in the dock at La HAGUE. Wishful thinking I guess, but stranger things have happened.

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There is hardly no RNAm in the jabs. PsyOps.

The Necro-Corona of “Molecular Spikes of Graphene Oxide”, and not the invisible coronavirus, induces a SMOG in the human organism


My declared, and transparent, objective, for this essay, is to highlight that it is the Necro-Corona of “Graphene Oxide Molecular Spikes”, induced by the CoqueVide “vaccines”, that induces a SMOG in the human organism… and not the Spike of the invisible coronavirus… emanating from an mRNA, totally, absent from the vials of Pfizer and Moderna.

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Naomi Wolf put it nicely in her article, "Vote Like a Woman" - Women and children were hurt the most by mRNA mandates.


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How plain it is that the elites are trying to kill us!

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