Sep 14Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Russell went to a school whose motto is "Dare to be wise".

How refreshing to hear a politician with obvious integrity and authenticity.

The empty chamber in which he delivered his speech suggests that those without his ethical standards chose to leave and not be pricked by their remaining sense of conscience.

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Sep 14Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Is this going to be the new world order? We’re not just reading 1984, we’re now living it!!

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Sep 14Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Thank Maryanne. Very disturbing. Where are the other independents on this I wonder? The Greens, the Teals... is anyone else standing up for free speech?

No doubt there is a "carve out" or exemption for political advertising and speech!

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Sep 14Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Libs and Lab in lockstep. Undoubtably Greens and Teals will be too. Only PHON and UAP are opposed AFAIK. Have to wait and see how many cross the floor.

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Sep 14Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Matt Canavan and Alex Antic are the others who speak out against this bill and I will be asking Andrew Hastie.

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Gerard Rennick is also in the fight 💪🏻

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It is disgraceful what the LNP did to Senator Rennick.

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Sep 14Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

It’s not just the Covid nonsense it is anything that the government doesn’t deems as against the lies they want to perpetrate on anything. Christians will be in the firing line too. We do need to get active and let our local members know they are heading down a destructive path which gives politicians and unelected bureaucrats far too much power. Michelle Rowland is a dangerous woman. Politicians think that we are dumb and can’t work out for ourselves what the truth is.

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True, they’re also trying to censor criticism of the banking sector 😳


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Like the banking sector needs protection. We agree to do as we are told and they agree to go as these please.

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Anthony Albanese and his band of invertebrate nuff nuffs sense an impending loss at the next election so are trying anything to get a headline...........

Left, woke governments across the world are waning......The Netzero spell has broken, the punters have awoken to the fallacy of EVs, young people want a job, not a handout, and after four years of international tragedy and travesty in dishonesty with COVID - Australians are craving a leader with a backbone.

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Who is arbiter is the biggest issue. The pandemic has allowed hugely misleading info and censorship of medical professionals to B the extent that they have not been allowed to apply the hypocritic oath.

In the case that concerns me so much of stopping Australians having access to antiviral nasal spray Viraleze - we have TGA applying their control of speech and information where they actually forced Starpharma - an ethical pharmaceutical company in Abbotsford Victoria to


So international users can see the website and order the product from Europe where Starpharma manufactures BUT AUSTRALIANS with the full legal right to 3 months personal use importation are not allowed to see the website

This is OTT censorship

It gave scammers in Cambodia the opportunity to steal from Australians via adverts on X.

I wrote to Minister Butler and informed him of the consequences of blocking Australian .IPs and scam marketing - something this legislation claims to protect Australians

Guess what that part of my letter was totally ignored

As you say Maryanne - this is a mess. Elon Musk rightly pointed out that Australia is not an island in these matters VPNs are only controlled in countries like China. The reason eSafety dropped the church video case was they can’t control VPNs and Elon won in that international point.

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Continued - Viraleze will not stop people getting vaxed. It is proven safe, cheap at $15 cf AV drugs like Paxlovid at $1000+, and with better efficacy than provisionally approved fast tracked av drugs.

This is the credentials for Viraleze which should meet all criteria for PBS AFTER 4 years…

1. Covid19 viral load post market study placebo based ASX announcement Jan 2024


2. Scripp Research Institute in-vito and in-vivo humanised mouse genome Astodrimer sodium studies


3. Astodrimer sodium human v placebo safety trials reported https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361382162_Astodrimer_sodium_antiviral_nasal_spray_for_reducing_respiratory_infections_is_safe_and_well_tolerated_in_a_randomized_controlled_trial

4. Astodrimer sodium nasal spray forms a barrier to SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and preserves normal mucociliary function in human nasal epithelium


5. Astodrimer Sodium Nasal Spray versus Placebo in Non-Hospitalised Patients with COVID-19: A Randomised, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial


6. DART Dec 2022 conference Astodrimer sodium v other nasal sprays Scripp presentation


Why in earth would a regulator deny 20 million Australians access

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