PART 1: Blood samples contain DNA sequences from COVID-19 mRNA vaccine
This 2-part series investigates synthetic DNA fragments unique to mRNA vaccines in blood samples, and the implications for the safety of blood products in Australia.
A recent preprint study has identified the presence of unexpected DNA sequences in the blood of individuals vaccinated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines—sequences that should not be present, according to experts.
The findings, brought to light by researcher Sandeep Chakraborty, have been independently validated by Kevin McKernan, former director of the Human Genome Project, and Phillip Buckhaults, a Professor from the University of South Carolina.
This discovery has heightened concerns about DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines and the potential impact on human health.
Among those raising the alarm is Nikolai Petrovsky, a Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, and director of Vaxine Pty Ltd in Adelaide.
“It’s pretty concerning,” said Professor Petrovsky of the new findings.

Chakraborty reanalysed sequencing data from a paper published in 2023, which involved trial participants from South Australia who provided blood samples before and after receiving either mRNA or adenoviral vector COVID-19 vaccines.
These samples were originally collected to study immune responses, but Chakraborty accessed the data repository and conducted his own sequencing analysis.
He uncovered concerning findings in the blood samples of the 75 South Australians who had received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
Alongside the spike protein sequence that you would expect to find from the vaccine, there were also gene fragments encoding for “SV40” and “Kanamycin” - genetic sequences unique to the plasmid DNA used in mRNA vaccine production.
“The blood samples from people in South Australia contained large numbers of these foreign gene sequences which were not present before vaccination,” explained Professor Petrovsky. “These foreign gene fragments must have come from the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.”
He added, “It suggests the vaccine vials used to vaccinate these people were either highly contaminated with DNA plasmid or contained mRNA encoding the entire plasmid sequence, not just the spike protein.”
Professor Petrovsky emphasised that the high levels of plasmid DNA fragments detected in the blood samples implied serious issues with manufacturing quality control of the mRNA vaccines.
These findings are consistent with earlier reports from independent researchers. Virologist David Speicher, for example, previously reported residual DNA levels in Australian vaccine vials up to 145 times higher than the World Health Organisation’s permissible limit of 10 nanograms per dose.
Regulatory Scrutiny
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) maintains that the levels of residual DNA in Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines remain below the regulatory limit and pose no public health risk.
Now, with the discovery of large numbers of these foreign gene sequences in blood after vaccination, the TGA’s position is increasingly untenable. The TGA did not respond to requests for comment.
Professor Petrovsky, who developed the protein-based Spikogen COVID-19 vaccine approved in the Middle East, urged immediate action.
“The new findings warrant an urgent investigation by an independent panel of experts from various disciplines,” he said.
He also challenged the use of mRNA vaccines in children, since data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed the Pfizer vaccine actually increased the risk of COVID-19 infection.
“Children were never at significant risk from COVID-19. We need to stop vaccinating children with these mRNA products immediately, until a full and proper investigation into their safety has been conducted,” Professor Petrovsky asserted.
He went further to accuse the TGA of prioritising political considerations over scientific integrity.
“The TGA has a mandate to ensure the public remains safe. By not acting on these data, the TGA would be failing in its duty of care,” said Professor Petrovsky.
These revelations have also prompted calls for accountability at the highest levels of government.
Federal member for Monash, Russell Broadbent, along with 62 co-signatories, sent a letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Health Minister Mark Butler, and TGA head Professor Tony Lawler.
The letter demands an evidence-based response to restore public trust and ensure vaccine safety.
The findings from Chakraborty’s analysis put pressure on regulators to address these concerns openly and decisively and push for a renewed commitment to public health priorities over political expediency.
Part II of this investigation examines the potential safety concerns over the supply of blood products in Australia.
PART II: Implications of plasmid DNA fragments in Blood Products
The TGA is shown as utterly incompetent. They need to be shut down and an objective investigation into the reckless decisions they have made on covid shots commenced.
A federal election coming up in the near future for Australia. This whole situation and the TGA's multitude of inconsistencies in their stated positions needs to be made an issue ! MD for PM 😁