Aug 28Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

...and mean time the US MSM is trying to paint RFK Jr as a complete whack job: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2024/08/26/donald-trump-rfk-jr-kennedy-vance-weird-republican-campaign/74947404007/

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Not everyone has to agree with everyone's politics, but if there's an important issue that needs addressing, it should be discussed.....it's easy for the media to shoot the messenger, but the fact remains, industrial chemicals are poorly regulated in most countries and that's what journalists should cover.

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Aug 28Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

"...that's what journalists should cover." - but they don't. ALL MSM "journalists" are just partisan hacks. Kennedy has a long record of successfully suing various entities for illegal conduct, so he knows how to get evidence and present a case. In the article I linked to, the author has plenty of links which give his article the appearance of being well researched, but the links are invariably to other MSM hit pieces, never to the source data Kennedy has based his view on.

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Aug 28Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

“The pattern is pretty clear,” said Lanphear who has advocated for more stringent regulation of industrial chemicals. "We should expect that some of these chemicals [turn out ] to be toxic, and we should no longer be using our children as guinea pigs to find out when they are toxic.”

Clear as mud...

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Aug 28Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

🙏 for the link, it will be an interesting watch

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Aug 28Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

There is evidence that those of us who are city dwellers are regularly exposed to particulates from vehicles - increasing massively in homes or apartments near main congested road routes. A more controlled vehicle use in cities such as increasing EVs v petrol diesel like London and some other cities needs to be implemented. Although RFK Jr might support that it would seem the big oil financial support of GOP and Trump will not see those protections over any line soon plus Trumps desire to remove regulation

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Aug 31Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Instead of focusing on RFKJR here is something from the horse’s mouth, something from Calley Means himself. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/calley-means-a29b5512_today-casey-means-md-and-i-spent-several-activity-7199211423757996032-K5fQ?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios

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Yeah, they are a well-researched team. Calley Means has been advising both Trump and RFK Jr during their campaigns.

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I have not been aware of their politics, but I wondered about it when I saw Casey interviewing with Tucker Carlson. Are they advising Democrats, also?

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I have not asked Calley directly, but I think I heard Calley in an interview say that he has tried to get meetings with the Dems but to no avail.

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Thank you. I’ll look into it.

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Aug 29Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Kennedy’s message needs to be shouted from the rooftops! Here’s an article that ran in The New Yorker in 2014 about Tyrone Hayes, a University of California, Berkeley professor researching the impact of the herbicide atrazine on frogs. Syngenta, the herbicide maker, as revealed in two class-action lawsuits went to great lengths to discredit him and his work. It’s a window into the industry playbook! https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/02/10/a-valuable-reputation

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Very disturbing. What can be done? Wind turbines drop bisphenol A in the environment too.

Puberty hit me at a young age hundreds of years ago and it was not pleasant. It would be worse now.

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Just watched your link, I think my mum loved your reporting as everything in that she had already educated me on, thank you

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Thank you 👍

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deletedAug 28
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deletedAug 28
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But it's not just RFK Jr - scientists from all around the world have been shouting about this problem from the rooftops.....how do we get change if no-one platforms it? Whichever party wins the election, Dems or Republicans, we need strong voices.

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deletedAug 29
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I hear what you're saying, but it's just not that easy to get these messages across without the help from big voices, or in this case, someone who actually might have a shot at changing policy.....Sounds to me like it was about making compromises to have the message heard.

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There is no need for the vitriol. The issue of endocrine disruption is the problem. In the end being rude and uncivil is not needed.

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I took your point, and deleted my comment.

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