Sep 10Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Thank you for bringing attention to this important issue and case of medical fraud that has caused so much suffering. The drug trials were fraudulent. Then the drugs 'sold' to patients based on lies, and then when patients experienced health problems from the SSRIs and difficulty withdrawing, they were gaslighted by the medical industry. A Midwestern Doctor has written on their links to violence and school shootings in the USA as well. They've been linked to increased rates of autism where the mothers are on SSRIs (Toby Rogers Phd thesis)... the list goes on and on. It's frankly appalling they are still on the market.

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And “authorities” say they’re safe in pregnancy too 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤡

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Sep 10Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Yup, of course they do! Ridiculous.

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Can you provide a link to the Midwestern Doctor's research? I am aware that AbleChild, an advocacy group of parents whose children are on psychotropic meds have called for such research to be done but thought the the authorities had refused to do so. The forensic psychiatrist Peter Breggin has documented many cases of akathisia causing violent behaviour among patients on antidepressants that have no prior history of violence but I am not aware of any research linking antidepressants directly to school shootings. Of course that would not fit in with the narrative that it's all about guns and mental illness but not about the treatment the illness.

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AMD is on substack. The Forgotten Side of Medicine. I don't think he/she hasn't done primary research but has a long article on the topic.

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Sep 10Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

These drugs are neurotoxins. You can't throw a monkey wrench into the brain and expect it to continue functioning effectively.

One of the other withdrawal effects, at least for prozac -- which I didn't see mentioned -- is hostility.

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yes, aggression, agitation, akathisia.....its all bad stuff.

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Sep 11Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Let’s face it, we never have reliable information for drugs. When my daughter was 16 and starting a new part time job as a cashier she was so nervous she shook. Our family doctor prescribed high doses of lorazepam and propranolol. I saw changes in my daughter and wanted her off them. Long story short she was on them for close to 13 years. We put her in rehab because they’re highly addictive. The councillor told us her brain is now set up for addiction. The papers I have read particularly a research paper out of the U.K many years ago, can have debilitating side effects later in life, like Alzheimer’s, memory loss and a few other things. Pharma is our most threatening enemy. The number of lives they’ve ruined with no compunction, illustrates their psychopathic criminal behaviour with few repercussions. They’ve been given carte blanche.

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My goodness, what a terrible situation....sorry to hear that Vivien. I hope your daughter is ok.

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Sep 11Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Just so sad.

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Oh how sad. I have always been very wary of the happy pills. I watched a friend at work on them and was horrified.

When did we start to think we should be happy and life be pleasant all the time?

We cannot medicalise all our problems away.

Doctors need to be more honest about this.

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