Oct 19Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Another excellent article Maryanne. At the last count there were around a thousand comments on the TGA's tweet and every single one was negative. There has to be a tipping point where the TGA actually bother to reach out to "the other side" for help. Otherwise they are essentially admitting to knowingly committing criminal malfeasance. There is no justification for this level of head burying.

I can also reveal that they have a number of serious FOIAs in process that they are currently obfuscating or refusing and we even have an example of the TGA attempting to influence the requestor to retract their FOIA.

It should also be noted that the Australian people voted on a petition to parliament in September 2021 to release all documents for public funded medicines. The response from the health minister was that this is provided via FOI. The government is showing its contempt for the people with these responses.

The petition link is here for reference https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/petition/EN3179 and the response here https://epetitions.aph.gov.au/api/ministerialresponse/download/EN3179

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Thanks Doc, grateful for all the work you do.

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Oct 19Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

If this response isn't ABSOLUTELY TYPICAL of a Coalition Minister, I'm a monkey's uncle !

Trouble is, the two governing parties are now almost impossible to tell apart. :(

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Oct 19Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Would have loved to have signed that petition…

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Oct 19Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

So Tony Lawyer from Tasmania replaced John Skerritt last year as Boss of TGA. Skerritt new life reported in your revolving doors article is now a board member alongside international big pharma colleagues from Pfizer Australia pty ltd, Merck etc on MEDICINES AUSTRALIA- lobbyist and big political donor (3rd largest at $244k in 2023)

Lawler is supposed to have clinical governance experience and been on the Australian Commission on Safety and quality in health care - DNA fragments in a provisionally approved mRNA VAX should be right up his street. Maybe that dratted funding by big pharma model interfered

Will we ever get independent Australian therapeutic goods evaluation.

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TAB odds aren't positive

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Oct 19Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Fact 1: The ‘Therapeutic Goods Administration’ (TGA) - which is an instrumentality of the Commonwealth Department of Heath - is over 90% funded by the ‘customers’ that it is supposed to be regulating. These TGA ‘customers’ are to a large degree the financially powerful multinational pharmaceutical corporations that dominate global drug production and marketing. They operate on a profit-making basis to serve the commercial interests of their ‘investors’. They do not operate to serve the interests of the Australian people.

Most Australians are not aware of this extraordinary arrangement, and in fact, they would be shocked that the Australian Public Service authorises the use of drugs in a manner that appears to befit a corrupt Third Word kleptocracy. This situation is a complete disgrace. The people of Australia deserve better than this - a lot better. The Australian parliament needs to take urgent action to completely dismantle the current TGA system - and in the process, execute a clean out of the current staff by appointing professional public servants who are above reproach - together with strict safeguards against any revolving-door regulator-industry staff-swapping arrangement.

Fact 2: By April this year there were over 177,000 Australian Public Service (APS) employees. That is almost 10% higher than in 2022.

Each of those APS employees should reflect on the fact that the persistent refusal of the TGA to provide meaningful information and test data about the pharmaceutical products that it is authorising to be injected into the bodies of Australians on behalf of its ‘customers’, cannot fail but project the suspicion in the public mind that ALL Australian public servants may also have become contaminated by the rotten TGA system. Whether right or wrong, once this perception takes hold in the public mind, it will be hard to eradicate. The ordinary Australians who work for the APS need to make it their business to do something about changing the stinking TGA system.

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Interesting .. thanks 🙏

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Oct 19Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

“…. Either the TGA denies freedom of information (FOI) requests or returns them mostly redacted, often saying it won’t disclose data because “it is considered to be commercial in confidence by the Sponsors.”…. ”

They redact everything - claim it costs to get third party CinC clearance and even the dates on the items are redacted. This is not commercial info but relevant people info obtained by elected government - elected and funded by the PEOPLE as voters and taxpayers. Half these companies dealing with TGA are overseas mega companies

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Yeah, it gives me a headache 🤕

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Oct 19·edited Oct 19Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

It's clearly a lie to say that all those redactions are commercial in confidence as pretty much every single consituent of the COVID vaccines has supposedly been declared. There is no "ingredient X" claimed.

Remember also that the TGA showed contempt to the court on day 3 of Kassam vs Hazzard by pretending to not find their way to the (online) court, only for Pfizer to act in their place. FOI 3678 showed that they instructed the barrister, and subsequently paid nearly $2000, for non-attendance. It is unknown whether Pfizer's barrister, Mr Brent Wong, who appeared in lieu of the TGA's missing barrister, was also paid by the TGA or by Pfizer directly for his intervention on the day, the purpose of which was to refuse a subpoena for the animal studies claimed to have been conducted by Pfizer.

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“pretending to not find their way to the (online) court”…..I will need that excuse for my next online meeting - I got lost trying to find my desk 😂🫢

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Oct 19Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

They are protected by patents - I can’t understand overriding CinC and appalling that court gives standing to big pharma substituting for regulator

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Oct 19Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

What is this word "misinformation"? I see it quite often now. It reminds of the word "problematic" which was Eddie Everywhere for a while. From today I will replace the word with other simpler words. Here's my first try:

The TGA is aware of "misinformation" in recent media and online…


The TGA is aware of "something you do not need to think about" in recent media and online…

... hmmm, not bad.

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I've interpreted the TGA's definition of 'misinformation' to mean "information I don't like"

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Or mebbe "information I will not tolerate !" ? ;)

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It means lies. It a made up word.

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Oct 19Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

A bloody disgrace ! - why isn't the TGA more stringently overseen (oversighted ?) ??!

Why are they allowed to get away with refusing FOI requests or redacting them ludicrously ?

This seems to be developing into an Anthony Fauci situation ...

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Who regulates the regulators? I hear you....the TGA makes me tear my hair out!

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Oct 19Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

The big change that I have seen in the last 5 years is not that the Three Letter Acronym (TLA) NGO's and QANGO's are any less corrupt- they remain the embodiment of Lord Acton's aphorism on the nature of corruption - but thanks to Substack, X, and great reporting by you and others, Marianne, we now have the chance to see how the sausage is made, and it's not pretty.

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Thanks Gareth 🙏

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Message from Dr Jessica Rose:

Aussie TGA (that's the Australian FDA) ultimately claims that the modified RNA synthesis pathway using the plasmid/E. coli system comes without possibility of residual DNA by-product involvement at endpoint to induce problems (ie: adverse events) at the commercial level - despite reproduced evidence of DNA in COVID-19 product vials, and despite tens of millions of reports to government-run pharmacovigilance databases of adverse events in their context. They do not address DNA:RNA hybrid formation, large amounts of sfDNA as confirmed by @P_J_Buckhaults or the fact that the standard commercial limit for DNA is based on naked DNA, not LNP-encapsulated DNA.

"To date, the TGA has also independently tested 27 batches of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines by qPCR to confirm the residual DNA concentration in the final product. The vaccines met the required limits for residual DNA. The quality limits ensure that there is less than 10 ng present per dose - or less than ten billionths of a gram in each dose."

Those levels are based on naked DNA, not LNP-ENCAPSULATED DNA. The thresholds are too high in the first place and they only tested 27 vials.

Test more, and make sure you throw in RNAseIII when you check dsRNA levels. And sequence the results, please. And make all of this public. While you're at it, sample some tumors developed post-injection and sequence those as well. Let us know what you find.

The TGA are referring to rigorous and reproduced science as 'misinformation'. This concerns all of us and although this is not surprising, it is alarming.

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Oct 19Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

so if this gene therapy if so safe & effective.. what are people dying & getting injured of..

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National Citizens Inquiry on in the great white north...lots of evidence available

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Oct 19Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Quite simply the TGA lie.

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Excellent research!!!!

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Thanks Steve 🙌

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23 hrs agoLiked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

How do they know the numbers it saved with no active data collection looking for signals? What is the cut off point for research? Weeks after the shot? Months? It’s so obvious that the correct way to investigate is being totally ignored. They, health agencies around the world are using every tactic in the propaganda playbook to bury this. I’m just reading Sharyl Attkisson’s book “follow the $cience” after reading The Occasional Human Sacrifice by Carl Elliot. The corruption is so deep and invades critical structures of our healthcare. I don’t know if there’s a way out of this. It’s like a pandemic in which we can’t rid ourselves of. I am finding people are loathe to listen about what I have discovered in these last 4 yrs. I just discovered yesterday that google is in on the game too. I googled Dr. Byram Bridle and googled described him as a spreader of misinformation. I then searched safari and duck duck go. Their sites stuck to the truth about what he is and does without any negative adjectives.

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Oct 20Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Maryanne - thank you for highlighting the corrupt TGA.

On a related note, my doctor during covid shared with me about the awful Tamiflu episode from the early 2000s. Here regulatory agencies, including the TGA did not bother to do their own testing and accepted lies from Pharma on efficacy etc.

When this all blew up it was very clear that agencies had to carry out their own rigourous testing and reviews, and not accept Pharma sourced info. But with covid and with the DNA conrtamination, its clear the TGA had learnt nothing at all and again accepted lies from Pharma.

They are still lying.

In the financial markets or in any other business, the TGA would have been shut down and the executives responsible jailed.

The whole health related bureaucracy in Australia, not just the TGA, is corrupted, incompetent and incapable to serving the interests of Australians. We need a massive clean out and to start again.

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Thanks Chris, I agree, all these experiences perfectly show just how deep the institutional corruption runs.

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Oct 20Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Seriously alarming. It points to the endemic corruption of this branch of the Australian government. It also seems obvious at this point that the use of the label ‘misinformation’ is paving the way towards tyranny.

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Oct 19Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

“….The regulator simply cannot rely on the mantra that because there have been “more than 13 billion vaccine doses given worldwide” it must mean the vaccine is “safe and effective.”..”

Now that reminds me of the FAKE MANTRA accepted by FDA after Pfizer failed to produced efficacy v placebo in Paxlovid trial June 2022 with normal vaxed population and they turned to NON EVIDENCE that generally everyone knew that in the big wide world everyone accepted Paxlovid as very successful

And FDA gave full approval - let the advertising at big sports events begin and only those with 20/20 vision and fast read could see in adverts 86% on the efficacy wording was explained that it was trial of unvaccinated Dec 2021 reporting when normal vaccinated was supposed to be studied for full FDA authorisation in 2023


In a clinical trial of unvaccinated patients, 9 out of 1039 taking PAXLOVID were hospitalized, and none died. 66 out of 1046 taking placebo were hospitalized and 12 died (from any cause).

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