They're all bad. Originally they caused anaphylaxis: sudden death in acute form, and allergies and autoimmunity in attenuated form. Later, due to adjuvants, they did other bad things, such as causing autism (Hg). Finally we have the mRNA ones, which do anything you want: myocarditis, stroke, heart attack, blood clots, immune suppression, turbo cancer, you name it. All by design. It's malice raised to a power.

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If, for example, trials show that live vaccines reduce mortality, how can they all be bad? You make a good point about adjuvants, which is why (I think) non-live vaccines are more concerning. We now have multiple non-live vaccines containing multiple antigens and high levels of adjuvants—yet the safety testing remains poor.

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The Covid vaccines were developed so quickly and yet the one dominant type mRNA with just 2 competing big pharma gained “EXCLUSIVE”WHO FDA and most Western world regulator approval with such speed that influence must have been more important than scientific statistical rigor.

I still find a vaccine for only 4 months difficult to accept as a real vaccine particularly when govts refuse to allow large sections of the community to be vaccinated more frequently than once a year. Using vaccines to reject prophylactics and treatments is morally wrong and Australian and US blocking availability of safe antiviral nasal sprays for fear that people wouldn’t vaccinate incomprehensible

So it does add new meaning to rational anti-vax v pro-vax

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