It beggars belief why the public can blindly and naively believe doctors and pharmaceutical companies anymore.
Do your own research. Thoroughly. Get 2nd and 3rd opinions.
Don't rush in to surgery.
And, remember anti-depressants are addictive. They don't and they won't tell you that.
It is in their interest to get you addicted, and then they tell you - when you try to wean off and the withdrawal effects are horrific........"see....... the depression is not yet treated, the anxiety is still not under control."
Get to the root of medical problems. Don't band-aid them with magic pills.
Sadly when your own research lands you on a restricted therapeutic FDA or TGA wins unless you can make your own / do it yourself without the benefit of randomised placebo based trials.
Folk law medicines and phages definitely work but only the novel exclusive chemicals developed by big pharma make the profits and wave through regulators
Our very own TGA advised doctors against the recommendation of Vitamin D, Vitamin C and zinc for COVID. Along with deliberately denying access to novel early treatments -it became frighteningly obvious that the bureaucratic organisations charged with protecting the public were actually acting to protect the Pharmaceutical companies. Meanwhile the taxpayer was funding the organisation that was actively harming them.
Remember too Morrison’s Brendan Murphy TGA SUPPORT of “Covid is NOT airborne”. 2020 /21 infringements still viewable on TGA websites show fines/bans infringement notices re MASKS, and of course antiviral nasal spray Viraleze
It took the nebuliser use in Melbourne airport hotel Quarantine to MAKE them change attitude to transmission beyond 1.5m and Norman Swan almost lose his job at ABC for mentioning errors in particle size over 50 years
Therein lies a BIG problem. Norman Swan ALMOST lost his job. He should never have had such a job in the first place ! Get rid of him. No credibility, no sense of honour. Just a shill. Can you really call yourself a medical doctor if you haven't seen a patient in over 40 years ?
Seems Ivermectin wasn’t the only targetted kill of FDA when PAXLOVID was waved through - they made a unilateral decision similar to TGA that NO antiviral nasal sprays would be approved and letters of WARNING were sent to every pharmaceutical company daring to mention COVID transmission, prevention or cure which dared to market in the US. Where Europe and India welcomed antiviral nasal spray Viraleze by Australian company Starpharma and Enovid was approved and marketed worldwide out of Israel - US FDA and Aust TGA (Country of Origin Viraleze) and Canadian Health (country of Origin SaNOtize rebadged to Enovid) all STOPPED or stalled indefinitely approval of antiviral nasal sprays.
Strange when the only placebo proven treatments in vaccinated persons in peer reviewed professional journal randomised trial results of COVID on first 5 days are shown in antiviral nasal sprays NOT PAXLOVID which 51% efficacy failed v placebo and FDA wasn’t allowed to consider that result because Pfizer stopped recruiting.
FDA has been the cheerleader for Pfizer profits and let’s hope a new commissioner will clean them up even if senators didn’t think it an important question
(IN warning LETTER: …. in violation of section 505(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, & Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), 21 U.S.C. 355(a). Introduction or delivery for introduction of such a product into interstate commerce is prohibited under sections 301(d) and 505(a) of the FD&C Act, 21 U.S.C. 331(d) and 355(a)…..)
This letter, dated February 13, 2024, addresses the distribution of Covixyl Nasal Spray as an unapproved new drug in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
Australian pharma Firebrick is distributing a nasal cleanser spray in US by avoiding any mention of therapeutic treatment with Nasodine after being rejected in Australia by TGA which did register for EXPORT only in ARTG
THIS is part of the biggest game of denial in town (whoops not town- ON EARTH!)
I didn’t know that antiviral nasal spray was stopped here in Canada. There was a ton a money made in the last 5 years using manipulation of the public.
Yes SaNOtize was developed in Vancouver and Heath Canada refused to approve and asked for more research. Good evidence e covid was obtained in 2021 by UK NHS Hosp Simon Winchester independent research using participants from India in 2021 with high efficacy of nitric oxide. It is still on hold for approval in Canada but they market same formulation from Israel as Enovid. It is more expensive that Viraleze via Europe and uk (which you can order into Canada on line) and needs application every 4 hrs v Viraleze which is 6 hourly in treatment in first 5 days of covid. Both have better evidence in vaccinated than Pfizer’s paxlovid which has made massive profits for Pfizer. This is huge corruption.
I have only recently seen the aggressive stance of FDA in antiviral nasal sprays with letters of warning. You have to wonder what is behind it. These are very safe and cheap and effective COVID treatments but also something which is better than masking as transmission prevention and personal prevention than anything else on offer
Reading this review of all that was left unsaid in Martin Markary’s confirmation hearing and being reminded of all that Maryanne has contributed to illuminating that unspoken conversation one cannot help but wish, in all seriousness, that it was she that was being confirmed for that all important job.
I often wonder—if, by some strange twist of fate, I found myself leading an organisation like the FDA—would I be able to drive real change, or would I end up shackled by bureaucracy and political pressures? I’d like to believe I wouldn’t, but I’ve seen many start with good intentions, only to be overwhelmed by the reality of the role.
Being shackled by the bureaucracy is always a problem for a new department head,Maryanne, they will slow walk directives that they don’t like and try to manipulate you with loaded advice and by withholding crucial information but going in you or someone like you has certain advantages. Most importantly you are smart and knowledgeable about the pertinent issues so they can’t pull the wool over your eyes. Fauci who was the poster child for the bureaucrat who got to the top was able to manipulate Trump because the president didn’t understand much about the real issues at hand. Then there is the question of political will. Some department heads just don’t have the will to do what needs to be done. They are go along to get along types who can get swept up in a poisonous bureaucratic culture but I think that you have the kind of passion that would prevent that happening to you.
The senators with the exception of Ron Johnson are not going to have any useful comments or questions, IMHO & will only be carrying water for big Pharma, which they don’t want to do in public, especially in the current climate.
I believe that RFK will have Dr. MM’s back on these issues.
It would have been wonderful to have had these questions answered. These hearings seem like staged events with Q&A agreed to in advance. While Marty is a huge improvement over Scott Gottlieb, I don't expect major changes under his leadership. Hopefully he will prove me wrong.
I am surprised. Rand Paul, Ron Johnson have along with Tom Cotton and others have asked searching questions in the past. Hopefully working with RFK will mean there will be some meaningful safety changes.
It beggars belief why the public can blindly and naively believe doctors and pharmaceutical companies anymore.
Do your own research. Thoroughly. Get 2nd and 3rd opinions.
Don't rush in to surgery.
And, remember anti-depressants are addictive. They don't and they won't tell you that.
It is in their interest to get you addicted, and then they tell you - when you try to wean off and the withdrawal effects are horrific........"see....... the depression is not yet treated, the anxiety is still not under control."
Get to the root of medical problems. Don't band-aid them with magic pills.
Medical professional of 29 years.
Sadly when your own research lands you on a restricted therapeutic FDA or TGA wins unless you can make your own / do it yourself without the benefit of randomised placebo based trials.
Folk law medicines and phages definitely work but only the novel exclusive chemicals developed by big pharma make the profits and wave through regulators
FDA and mRNA = $37 billion profit Pfizer
FDA and Paxlovid = $22 billion profit Pfizer
check the evidence
BUT as Maryanne says the senators don’t even ask questions
Our very own TGA advised doctors against the recommendation of Vitamin D, Vitamin C and zinc for COVID. Along with deliberately denying access to novel early treatments -it became frighteningly obvious that the bureaucratic organisations charged with protecting the public were actually acting to protect the Pharmaceutical companies. Meanwhile the taxpayer was funding the organisation that was actively harming them.
Remember too Morrison’s Brendan Murphy TGA SUPPORT of “Covid is NOT airborne”. 2020 /21 infringements still viewable on TGA websites show fines/bans infringement notices re MASKS, and of course antiviral nasal spray Viraleze
It took the nebuliser use in Melbourne airport hotel Quarantine to MAKE them change attitude to transmission beyond 1.5m and Norman Swan almost lose his job at ABC for mentioning errors in particle size over 50 years
Therein lies a BIG problem. Norman Swan ALMOST lost his job. He should never have had such a job in the first place ! Get rid of him. No credibility, no sense of honour. Just a shill. Can you really call yourself a medical doctor if you haven't seen a patient in over 40 years ?
The U.S. Congress is bought and paid for by industry. They are a bad joke like the FDA.
Seems Ivermectin wasn’t the only targetted kill of FDA when PAXLOVID was waved through - they made a unilateral decision similar to TGA that NO antiviral nasal sprays would be approved and letters of WARNING were sent to every pharmaceutical company daring to mention COVID transmission, prevention or cure which dared to market in the US. Where Europe and India welcomed antiviral nasal spray Viraleze by Australian company Starpharma and Enovid was approved and marketed worldwide out of Israel - US FDA and Aust TGA (Country of Origin Viraleze) and Canadian Health (country of Origin SaNOtize rebadged to Enovid) all STOPPED or stalled indefinitely approval of antiviral nasal sprays.
Strange when the only placebo proven treatments in vaccinated persons in peer reviewed professional journal randomised trial results of COVID on first 5 days are shown in antiviral nasal sprays NOT PAXLOVID which 51% efficacy failed v placebo and FDA wasn’t allowed to consider that result because Pfizer stopped recruiting.
FDA has been the cheerleader for Pfizer profits and let’s hope a new commissioner will clean them up even if senators didn’t think it an important question
If you want to read more
The FDA warning letter regarding Covixyl Nasal Spray, issued to Salvacion USA Inc., can be found at the following URL on the official FDA website:
(IN warning LETTER: …. in violation of section 505(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, & Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), 21 U.S.C. 355(a). Introduction or delivery for introduction of such a product into interstate commerce is prohibited under sections 301(d) and 505(a) of the FD&C Act, 21 U.S.C. 331(d) and 355(a)…..)
This letter, dated February 13, 2024, addresses the distribution of Covixyl Nasal Spray as an unapproved new drug in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
Australian pharma Firebrick is distributing a nasal cleanser spray in US by avoiding any mention of therapeutic treatment with Nasodine after being rejected in Australia by TGA which did register for EXPORT only in ARTG
THIS is part of the biggest game of denial in town (whoops not town- ON EARTH!)
I didn’t know that antiviral nasal spray was stopped here in Canada. There was a ton a money made in the last 5 years using manipulation of the public.
Yes SaNOtize was developed in Vancouver and Heath Canada refused to approve and asked for more research. Good evidence e covid was obtained in 2021 by UK NHS Hosp Simon Winchester independent research using participants from India in 2021 with high efficacy of nitric oxide. It is still on hold for approval in Canada but they market same formulation from Israel as Enovid. It is more expensive that Viraleze via Europe and uk (which you can order into Canada on line) and needs application every 4 hrs v Viraleze which is 6 hourly in treatment in first 5 days of covid. Both have better evidence in vaccinated than Pfizer’s paxlovid which has made massive profits for Pfizer. This is huge corruption.
I have only recently seen the aggressive stance of FDA in antiviral nasal sprays with letters of warning. You have to wonder what is behind it. These are very safe and cheap and effective COVID treatments but also something which is better than masking as transmission prevention and personal prevention than anything else on offer
Ps Enovid is changing name to NOWONDER
Reading this review of all that was left unsaid in Martin Markary’s confirmation hearing and being reminded of all that Maryanne has contributed to illuminating that unspoken conversation one cannot help but wish, in all seriousness, that it was she that was being confirmed for that all important job.
I often wonder—if, by some strange twist of fate, I found myself leading an organisation like the FDA—would I be able to drive real change, or would I end up shackled by bureaucracy and political pressures? I’d like to believe I wouldn’t, but I’ve seen many start with good intentions, only to be overwhelmed by the reality of the role.
Being shackled by the bureaucracy is always a problem for a new department head,Maryanne, they will slow walk directives that they don’t like and try to manipulate you with loaded advice and by withholding crucial information but going in you or someone like you has certain advantages. Most importantly you are smart and knowledgeable about the pertinent issues so they can’t pull the wool over your eyes. Fauci who was the poster child for the bureaucrat who got to the top was able to manipulate Trump because the president didn’t understand much about the real issues at hand. Then there is the question of political will. Some department heads just don’t have the will to do what needs to be done. They are go along to get along types who can get swept up in a poisonous bureaucratic culture but I think that you have the kind of passion that would prevent that happening to you.
Maryanne, my thoughts exactly. It would be like finding yourself caught in the centre of a spider’s web.
The senators with the exception of Ron Johnson are not going to have any useful comments or questions, IMHO & will only be carrying water for big Pharma, which they don’t want to do in public, especially in the current climate.
I believe that RFK will have Dr. MM’s back on these issues.
It would have been wonderful to have had these questions answered. These hearings seem like staged events with Q&A agreed to in advance. While Marty is a huge improvement over Scott Gottlieb, I don't expect major changes under his leadership. Hopefully he will prove me wrong.
Really great observation Maryanne. Sort of revealing isn’t it? Thank you. You’re the best, no really you are.
Aww…. Big hug… thanks Vivien.
I am surprised. Rand Paul, Ron Johnson have along with Tom Cotton and others have asked searching questions in the past. Hopefully working with RFK will mean there will be some meaningful safety changes.
Do we need an FDA? Buyer beware.