Sep 29Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

🙏our system is broken

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Sep 30Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

I continue to see new patients on a daily basis with autoimmune and inflammatory disease with clear links chronologically to the jabs. Although the aetiology appears clear to me, and with a huge increase in incidence of these types of disease, I am unaware of a single patient who had even applied for compensation.

The general public seem resigned to their fate though at least some are developing an understanding of the scale of the corruption.

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The notion that one must navigate an impossibly difficult system while trying to deal with a vaccine injury is deplorable.

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Sep 30Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

So much for safe and effective eh? Do none of these politicians experience any cognitive dissonance for forcing us to get the safe vaccines in the face of these thousands of people suffering? Do they think we are all making it up?

You can get a doctor to help you die in some states, and you can get an abortion. But it can be very difficult to refuse a vaccine. Huh? I think it was A Midwestern Doctor (The Forgotten Side of Medicine) who observed in one of his/her columns that medical ethics tend to align with courses of action that generate income.

Btw, bureaucrats regularly override medical advice in the NDIS as well.

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Quoting the statement (from the article) by the Federal Member for Monash, Russell Broadbent MP:

“There is something seriously wrong when unelected bureaucrats are over-riding a medical practitioner’s advice.”

Something certainly is seriously wrong! Most people don’t appreciate that the real government of Australia does not consist of the passing parade of political party hacks who purport to be ‘elected’. Watching the antics of both State and Federal members of the current governments, it is evident that many of these individuals are poorly educated boofheads.

The fact is that the people who really govern Australia are the unelected bureaucrats who control all the systems of public administration. After watching so many of these individuals obfuscate, duck & weave, and play dumb to questions by senators during parliamentary inquiries about the Covid fiasco and the mRNA injectables disaster, one can only come to the conclusion that these so-called ‘public servants’ are sociopathic congenital deceivers. Just have a look at the document in Maryanne’s article which is almost completely blacked out. This is typical of what is going on. What the hell are these liars hiding?

When Pfizer was forced by a U.S. court in 2021 to start releasing their secret information about their anti-Covid injectable product, the documents release revealed numerous serious side-effects. I think there were over a hundred of them. It was gobsmacking. No wonder Pfizer wanted to delay the release for 75 years. So why have these obfuscating ‘health’ bureaucrats in Australia not included all those mRNA injectable-induced conditions in the list of claimable illnesses for the compensation scheme? Something doesn’t add up here. Are these public ‘health’ officials being induced by someone to block disclosure?

This defective claim system was established by the Health Minister of the former Morrison Government. I find it curious that after implementing the mass-injection regime for the hastily tested genetic therapies and banning the use of alternative therapies for Covid-19, this Minister decided not to stand for election again in 2022 and retired from politics. I also find it curious that this individual held a managerial position in the World Economic Forum before he entered politics.

Something really stinks about the people who run the top end of Australia’s so called public service. And now they want to impose a STASI-style system of suppressing any discussion of data or facts that they deem to be ‘misinformation’. The blacked-out documents in the article provide a good metaphor for Australia’s future in the hands of these unaccountable sociopaths.

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Sep 30Liked by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

That letter from Butler is a shocker. It really shows the uniparty at work, covering each other’s backsides. The level of distrust and disgust at the people who are elected to parliament is growing in my mind. There are so few with real integrity and the health system is infected by this lack of integrity.

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The response letter shocked me too… a lot of words that mean nothing.

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When trust is lost...........

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How can I send you a picture? I'm in a pub in Canada and there's a government issued 'vaccine injury support website' sticker on the mirror...in the mens. I was hoping for free tampons, but alas

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