Inspirational. Thanks Maryanne

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Just this week I saw a patient recovering from necrotising myositis after being prescribed statins for a minor elevation in LDL and no other risk factors.

She also now has cardiomyopathy from either/or statins and Civid jabs.

She will never recover.

I also saw a woman who has myopathy from statins.

Her husband, also on long term statins, has severe dementia, which she blames on the statins.

Her GP tells her she will have a stroke if she stops them.

She has mildly elevated LDL and no other cardiovascular risks.

She is fully aware of the problem and was very happy to cease them at my suggestion.

Doctors are willing pawns in the game.

A huge capacity to remember medical flowcharts but zero creative or critical thinking intelligence.

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And it’s only on international forums like this MD Substack where Health professionals are allowed to speak out. Even if GPs think treatments appropriate - APRA, TGA infringement regime, professional colleges muzzle as misinfo. And media use TNI to label tag good accurate international info as misinfo disinfo - do not report this - no oxygen policy

I’m not a shrill for ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine but what few reports of studies there are - give better results than Lagevrio - the Merck also ran to Pfizer’s Paxlovid

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Wonderful. I still say it should be illegal fur politicians to receive monies futon big corporations and for doctors to be given free samples. I was given Vioxx for Bursitis years ago as a free sample. I could have died.

This lady is an inspiration.

Maybe making all these products more expensive is part of the answer.

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Doctors also profit even though they took an oath. Companies are supposed to make money.

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The Covid trap is not the only PFIZER’s profitability stake of mRNA vax but that big continuous profit line beginning with Paxlovid AV drug treatment but NOW extending with the replacement for all age groups the Pax/Lagevrio replacement PF-07817883 Ibuzatrelvir


EPIC HR unvaccinated over 65 and immuno statistically significant reduced hospitalisation and death. Efficacy 86% - FDA grant EUA and world follows..


This is the more relevant trial performed by Pfizer non independently EPIC SR on vaccinated (remember in 2021/22 Australia highly vaxed) FAILED efficacy v placebo 51% - at 2000 (of target3000) participants Pfizer stops recruitment June 2022 - cunningly best not to record a fail…

Marketing as scripted medicine for many vaxed proceeds. No informed consent that efficacy failed in vaxed. Some even paying $1200 for private scripts!! Australia pays $5billion overseas currency to Pfizer 2022-23 of which $1B is Paxlovid

August 2024 FDA approved fast tracking which means rolling results. PF-07817883 Ibuzatrelvir

Stockmarket announcement Sept 2024 that phase 2B trials successful PF-07817883 Ibuzatrelvir

Dec 2024 recruiting phase 3.

April 2025 expect announcement that Pfizer has a Covid treatment for everyone PF-07817883 Ibuzatrelvir

In the meantime the TGA MOLEs August 2024 refuse to receive independent peer reviewed UK NHS study of Viraleze efficacy v placebo… the MOLEs make sure a safe non absorbed Australian nasal spray with better efficacy in vaxed persons under 65 is stopped from approval thus preserving Pfizer Merck profitability and opportunity for PF-07817883 Ibuzatrelvir

Thus stopping 20 million Ozzie’s having a simple safe Covid NON DRUG treatment and preventative.

Back in 2022 SOON AFTER THE INFRINGEMENT - the boss of TGA John Skerrett retires and as MaryAnne reported in Revolving Doors goes to board position at MEDICINES AUSTRALIA sitting alongside big pharma lobbyists from Pfizer Australia pty Ltd etc

This corruption for profit by Big Pharma needs exposing - the estimated long COVID in the world is 400million of which 55% are under 65 - the point at which Pfizer efficacy evidence dipped out

And yes community needs a voice not just the professionals with letters after their names because many of those letters are funded by Big Pharma

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